Poetry is the art of life, the art of anyone who knows how to listen to his or her heart. Verses are lives we give birth to, because their ink flows like the tears of our blood.

        Writing to tell one’s words, writing to tell one’s hurts… Writing only, because life is shouting…

      Welcome into the Words and Arts universe. There stand my thoughts, my hurts and my reflections.

        You will find articles about poetry and many other themes. More, this blog contains articles in English, but also in French, Spanish and Guadelupian creole - not only the subjects, but also the languages are diverse on this blog.
    And you, artists are also welcomed. There is also a section dedicated to you so that you can show you works!

    Artists, adepts of arts and culture? You can read or comment my articles, or publish your own work: this blog was made for you! 

        Welcome again! Feel free to express yourselves, because the more voices there are, the more animated the blog will be!

        Enjoy your readings.


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